Just listen.

To what I have to say because just maybe, it might be important to someone out there.

Monday, April 16, 2007



A distant lie,
with a close inspection of truth.
A hidden face,
with an exposed expression of grief.

Can I be any clearer?

Hiding in the shadows lie you and I,
a hint of light shines through crakes.
Revealing our eyes only for an instant,
secrets and truth are finally exchanged.

This is not about you nor I.

Seasons are forever changing,
it goes from life to death and
death to life, it's just the cycle.
The weak can't cut it, the strong survive.
Human nature and behavior
seems a bit extinct now a days don't you think?

Forget the life cycle what about our feeelings?

Rivers are always running,
ponds are always still.
The best type of water is running,
because it's always fresh.
While ponds sit,
never escaping their confinement.

What type of water are you?
And what type of water am I?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Truth be told.

Truth be told.

The truth is, I never really could decide,
what I wanted in life.
Or for the matter,
who I wanted to be with.
Seems that you and I had more in common,
then you thought.

I always hated when people began to say things such as...
"There's a time for everything," but
when will be my time?
"Death is everywhere," but
where will I be when he knocks at my door?
It's so idiotic...

"Why should I care," or "I don't know," or "I could careless,"
is my reply to almost everything that concerns feelings and such.
Truth is most likey I know why I care and I do care.
Almost silly isn't it?
I have no reason to care, but by my nature I do care more than I should.

What I want in life?
Who I want in life?
When will be my time?
Where will I be when he knocks at me door?
Why should I care?

The truth is, is that.
These questions, I can't answer.
But I could careless...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dangeriously romantic.

Dangerioulsy romantic.

You and I we're the type that's hard to describe.
All those nights with flames of passion,
days that thunder with agruements.
A solitude within them both.

Competition arises from every turn.
Who's the best, I'm the best,
No, I can beat you anytime.

It seem that few words, never sufficed.
More were said then needed.
That's how things always seemed to be.

Firey tempers were well known between us.
Always seemed to get the better of you or I.
Ignited and terminated.
That's how it always seemed to begin and end.

The romance was great, but the passion was amazing.
The fighting was fierce, but the agruements were outrageously irresistable.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Never knew.

Never knew.

An empty chair in this vacant space.
Broken pictures with a shattered past.
Bare trees in their twilight of nourishment.

Casted away with almost no regret.
Running towards a neverending path.
Hiding from the misdeeds they've commited.
What's done is done.

I never realized, what you meant,
when you said.

"I never knew what I wanted in life,
except for this one thing that always screamed in my dreams.
You know I almost reached that never ending path and filled those empty voids.
A taste of that nourishment would have been sweet,
if your deadly extremity hadn't intertwined.
It was drenched with twists and turns and a bitter sent of happiness.
I never knew what I wanted in life,
until I took the misleading road that revoked my twilight of existance.
That misleading road, was you."

I never knew what you meant,
until my twilight of existance,
almost ceased to exist like yours once did.

Monday, April 9, 2007

See the world.

See the world.

Sometimes I wish,
You could see the world through me eyes.
Even if it seems as if, there's no point.

An overwhelming sensation of pain or solitude,
at times an exsertion of happiness or content,
seems to be my daily routine.

Thoughts consume my mind,
which sometimes feel as if they are driving me to insanity.
surround my thoughts,
teasing me knowing that they are unattainable.
knock at my dreams,
me to into nothingness.

Knock, knock, knock.
Who's there?
Your worst fear.
My worst fear and what's that?
Failure, emptiness, & no one but yourself.

Rain showers.

Rain showers.

"Rain, rain go away,
come again another day
I say, if it were up to me.
Rain would never go away.
A warm rain,
with a thunderstorm,
on a dark night.
Is my kind of weather.

Dark and deary,
Waking up thinking it's still night.
The sun not shinning.
I'd accept that without a doubt.

Depressing? No.
Of course not.
Those are the days,
that make me feel like well me.

So can we have a day,
that's rainy and warm.
That's dark and deary.
A day, that would make me feel,
like I haven't felt in a long time.


Monday, April 2, 2007

I was right.

I was right.

When I said,
"You're a bit short,
of a transcending flame."

But now I realize
your not a bit short,
your flame has already been extinguished.

The day you came into existance.

So baby, oh baby,
give me a chance and let me make your fire,

burn with desire and last for eternily.

I guess.

I guess.

I figured we'd never get ahead of ourselves.
With everything and all.

I presumed it would become something of the sort.
Almost like the way it is now.

I thought that things wouldn't get any greater.
Or for the matter worse.

I doubted a lot of things between you and I.
For one reason or another.

I questioned your feelings and mine.
After all the open gap between us was to great.

I suppose my intuation was almost right.
Almost... right about you.

Could I been mislead with your words of flattery?
Have I been mistaken about my feelings?
I guess so.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Basically put.

Basically put.

I believe, that your not the one for me.
But on the contrary, I miss you terribly so.

"The one" is not on my mind, finding my significant other,
isn't my main priority at the moment.
I'm sorry if I couldn't match up to your standards,
or anyone elses for the matter.

But that's not what I'm looking for.
I'm searching for something different, something unique.

There's always those people you have, to be there.
To ease the suffering or loneliness, and you were that,
along with my comrads and writing.
Though you were something more, I suppose.
But I'd like to say thanks...

People say, "Youth is wisdom and truth."
Youth is not wisdom or truth. Youth is foolish and unknowing.
In all honesty, we all are like that. Including myself.

And honestly,
there are several things that have been on my mind...
-Along with other such things.

Basically that's what I have to say about everything.