Just listen.

To what I have to say because just maybe, it might be important to someone out there.

Sunday, June 10, 2007



Did you ever feel like a wild bird,
that was trapped and kept in in cage?

A bird that wanted to escape from it's confinement,
but was never able to leave or fly far away because of it's owner.
And when the cage was finally open and it tried to fly free,
it didn't fly instead it was falling.
Failing to that hard cold floor.
The birds only way of escaping were it's wings.
Those wonderful, beautiful things that no longer existed
because they were clipped long ago.
Wanting to fly it couldn't,
fluttering and small jumps were the only way.
Warn out, tired, and exhausted it reached the window,
and as it was about to escape it was swooped up by it's owner.
Watching as it's freedom escaped it was put back in it's cage.

Looking through bars at the window of freedom.
The bird's beginning to realize that it's freedom,
will never happen...