Just listen.

To what I have to say because just maybe, it might be important to someone out there.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Over the Top.

Over the Top.

My imagination used to exaggerate the simplest of thoughts.

Thus, I have come to a conclusion that
simplicity isn't at all simplistic.

Does that make sense? Oh god, now I'm just being rhetorical.

Here let me start over, to put it bluntly.
Over time I realized that "simple" things that stimulated my mind,
really weren't at all "simple."
In fact, there were probably the most difficult ideas that have ever crossed my mind.

These thoughts, these ideas were inevitable.
They were bound to come about soon or later.
Rather then sooner or later, never would have been sufficient enough for me,
yet that wasn't the case at all.

To complicate the matter, it appeared as though,
I felt compelled to carry out actions that never crossed my mind.
I began to feel that I was loosing my mind.
That everything just began to slip away.

Then it hit me like a bullet.
I had fallen into the trap called, "Love."

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