Just listen.

To what I have to say because just maybe, it might be important to someone out there.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

And you expected what?

And you expected what?

What did you expect?
Me to come back, forgiving.
Your funny.

If you think,
you can get me back that easily,
you must be cracking a joke.

You didn't care.
So why should I?

But kid,
for some reason.
You're the only thing,
that's been on my mind.

If I could take you back,
I would, but you wouldn't.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A crowded room.

A crowded room.

People all around,
An empty silence falls.
A suddle movement,
Sweeps you off your feet.
Amazed you snap back to reality.
Silence surrounds you again.

One speaks,
The only one you hear is him.
People's mouths are going.
But all you hear is one thing.
A gentle voice,

Cold stares glare at you.
You ignored it as if it didn't exist.
His voice still is sweeping you off your feet.
That one thing that you thought emptied is back.

Everything you thought was gone.
Never really went,
It was there all along.

Your voices meet.
And the sound arises.

The only one that really mattered was him.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Ok riddler.

Ok riddler.

I have another riddle,
similiar to the old one.

A lonely girl sits alone in a room.
6 walls, 4 surrounding, 2 above and below.
All is black,
and only a spec of white exists which is,
above her, middle of the ceiling.

SO riddler.
Where is she?

Riddle me this.

Riddle me this.

Your riddles are beyond solving.
I can't decifer if it's a joke or a quiz.

Stop riddling me with your riddles.
So riddle me this riddler.

A lonely girl sits alone in a almost white room with 6 walls.
White padding is on 5 of the 6 walls.
So, the 6th wall is all black, and that's the only "color",
She can see when she looks up.

So riddle me this.
What does she see, when she looks up, riddler?

Sunday, March 25, 2007



long live no one.
ass fuck everyone.

"live" your life,
your on steroids
& drugs.

trust me,
it will make it that much better.


have a good night.!

Can you tell me?

Can you tell me?

What am I to do?

With a half torn heart.
An empty soul.
The loneliness, what always gets the best of me.
People with their broken promises,
a decision based on wit not will.

A basic path with a needle.

A basic path with a needle.

Ever here that,
"It's like finding a needle in a haystack."?

Well kids, let me tell you.
It's true.

How about?
"In life you never know what path to go down.
Which one is the right one?".
I'm here to tell you.
There is no "right one,"
and there is no "wrong one,".
They both have their pros and cons.

That needle, and that path.
Reflect a bit of life.
Finding a person,
to give your trust to is outrageously insane.
Finding a man or woman to spend the rest of your life with,
is one of the harder things in life.
Deciphering to stay or leave,

For the roads while have bumps,
and the needle still has a point.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A familiar tale.

A familiar tale.

A bit of irony,
The pinch of agony.

The bite of idiocy,
A swallow of lies.

A touch of sorrow,
The face of emptiness.

It reminds me of a story, I’ve lived though before.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007



Your symphony of harmony,
was almost two much to handle.

We've initiated the beginning of something,
something that can either,

make us,
or break us.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Angelically demonic.

Angelically demonic.

It seems that now.
Your nothing but the Devil,
but on a new kinda level.

Your angelic beauty,
was nothing but a type of sin,
that only you can forgive.

Were you that angel that never got its wings?
Or that devil that wasn't damned for the better?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Feel the absence of.

Feel the absense of.

This akward enigma is consuming me.
You're touch is all that keeps me sain.

That look is undefying.
This touch is all I need, to keep me existing.

So don't leave unless you must,
because let me tell you,
your eyes are mystifying.

But your words are,
beyond your existance.
Those actions were against our will.

Your eyes are no longer mystifying,
they're a gaze without a steady look.

I'm beginning to feel the absense of,
a missing piece.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Broken fire.

Broken fire.

Your a bit short of a transcending flame.
This ember is slowly becoming impaired.

Your wax is becoming altered from a solid to a liquid.
This wic becomes curtailed by fire.

Your remind me of a broken record.
The song skips beats.

Your scratched beyond repair.
This record can't be altered to play anything but, it's
broken firey tune.



He has power to give infinite knowledge or make it cease to exist.
He has control over life and death.
He can make it complex or simple.

Aptitude is all he knows.
He is distinctly known by all,
feared or loved.
He can destroy you, or make you.

What am I?

What do I look like?

What do I look like?

It seems that more and more,
people are beginning to think of me as something or somebody else.
A fighter or a instigator,
also belligerent, do I come of as a belligerent person to you?

I don't understand it.
That's not who I am,
I'm not always here to fight,
I'm here to help you, not fight you're battles.

So next time,
please don't ask me to do you a favor saying,
"Do you want to mess with someone?"
Because it won't happen.

Do I deserve,
Abhorrence or scorn?
All for defending you?
I don't know.

Forget it,
I'll defend you,
when you need it.
Not for pety little things.

What do I look like?
I suppose one day, they'll stand on their own.
Maybe one day, I'll also be looked at as,
something else.

Church is only an excuse.

Church is only an excuse.

Today is obviously Sunday,
The "Lord's Day."
I told my parents,
"I see no point in going, you don't have to
go to church, in order to praise God."

Parents being parents they freaked.
Stating the following excuses.
"God does so much for us we have to thank him,
this is the only time when we're a family,
you're breaking his will."
It goes on and on.
I suppose they have a point in a way.

Well in response I told them,
"You don't have to praise God by going to church,
you can do it anytime, I see no point in doing so."
Of course the main reason is because I don't believe.

They kept insisting that I am just being lazy.
It's not true.
I don't believe in many of our teachings,
half of the time I don't know what to believe.

There's no reason to go to church, if you don't believe,
or if you're not even "praising God."

Well just to try to make my mother happy.
I got dressed and they were already out the door.
By the time I went out, no car was in sight.
They left me.

So me being me I said,
"Fuck you too."
I know the way my mother is she's just as stubborn,
so most likely she told my father to just leave me and let me walk.

Now I'm home and they should be home any minute now.
I wonder what they're going to imply now?
Life is hilarious.

After all,
Church is only an excuse to profess you're faith.
You can do it any time,
any where.
So fuck that, I can be my own person.
Can I not?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sympathy for the Devil.

Sympathy for the Devil.

A conversation between one and the other
God and the Devil.

One replied in such a sarcastic voice,
"God has sympathy for all."
The other instigated an argument replying that,
"Does God have sympathy for everything?"

One countered this time more seriously,
"Of course he does. God is good towards all."
The other questioned in a sad tone,
"And what about the Devil and those casted into eternal damnation?
What sympathy has God shown to them?"

One couldn't answer,
the other sat in silence.
Both starred at each other and both replied,
"He doesn't."


One finally spoke yet again saying the following.
"God has given them a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness.
They have lost their chance for everlasting happiness."

The other thought for a second and spoke these words.
"Yes, that maybe true, he has given them a chance to change,
but does that mean that they must remain in agony and pain
for a everlasting eternity?"

Again both sat in silence.

One spoke to himself, "God has sympathy for all mankind..."
The other stated to himself as well,
"Sympathy for the Devil, doesn't exist."

...how interesting. HA.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Bring the Pain.

Bring the pain.

Child don't act like you're in shame
So either bring the pain.
Or suffer the game.
We've got nothing to gain.

Or... do we?

Judgmental people.

Judgmental people.

Are not always a good thing.

So buddy, try to relax and take me for me.

Let me tell you something,
You act like "them" then kid, you're not going anywhere.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Egotism is a statement.

Egotism is a statement.

You're a bad example of...

An exaggerated sense of self-importance.