Just listen.

To what I have to say because just maybe, it might be important to someone out there.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I want you to understand.

I want you to understand.

You see I've become a sort of new person.
I've gone through transitions that I don't think many people have ever experienced in a lifetime.

I feel that this era, this period of time, isn't where I should be.
It's as if no one can truely relate to what I'm saying.
Now, I don't mean this as a cry for help or anything along those lines,
that's the last thing I need.

The way I view this issue, you ask?
People's minds are fickle and their answers are hardly clear.
We work on impluse and do whatever the hell we feel like doing.
Do we think of others? Hardly.
I believe the decision that's been made, is to benefit you not anybody else.

My eyes have seen more than enough,
Tasted a bit of poisen,
I've smelled bitter remorse,
Felt the touch of emptiness,
and heard everything I could bare.

I truely wanted you to understand,
to share this new found light with me,
yet you drew back in despair.

I always had this feeling you would never get far in life,
your eyes were closed off from the suffering that you caused.

You laughed at situations that never called for laughter,
with that your taste had lost all that was sensable and familiar to it.

The exaggeration and lies that came forward everyday,
seemed to alter your smell since now you've become to acostumed to your own foul stench.

Your hand always glided for something you were never supposed to have,
soon your touch had forgotten the true feeling of warmth.

The way you express your words into an unforgettable aggression,
made you loose your sense of hearing since now you only began to hear what you felt was neccesary.

Clearly I was mistaken,
I took your words to literal, I thought of them deeper than you intended them.

Your mind could never wrap around the words I had intended you to hear,
you on the other hand took my words the way I never wanted you to take them, literally.